Wednesday 15 May 2013

Bouquet of tulips

I am back after a few months without crafting...Lack of time, inspirations, etc..The usual culprits :-). I missed it though...
This card was made using an embossing folder borrowed from a friend of mine. She is new to craft (one month?) and she already owns probably 20+ embossing folders. You have guessed: she is obsessed by them! :-). Good for me, as I get to borrow them. Thank You!

So this card was made using a Black Magic card stock, black with pink core. Once embossed, the core color becomes visible, and a bit of sanding makes it even more visible. Simple card, added some gems, sentiments and a large (large!) ribbon. Et voila!
(Excusez le manque d'accent!!! Merci...)
Me voila de retour apres quelques mois de silence...Manque de temps, d'inspiration, etc, les memes sempiternelles excuses mais neanmoins reelles! Ca m'a manque...

Cete carte a ete faite avec une matrice d'embossage que j'ai emprunte a une amie. Elle vient tout juste de commencer a faire du craft (il y a un mois!) et elle a deja 20+ matrices d'embossage. Vous l'avez compris, elle est accro! Tant mieux pour moi, je peux les emprunter...Merci!

Cette carte a ete faite avec le papier Black Magic, qui est noir mais avec un corps de couleur rose. Apres embossage, la couleur rose ressort. L'effet peut etre accentue en poncant. J'ai rajoute des petites perles, un message et un gros (gros!) ruban. Et voila!

Thanks for looking. ----- Merci de votre visite.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Happy 6th Birthday!

Ok, this year I have decided to get organised for my son's birthday party....and I started organising it two months early! This made a change from his 5th birthday, planned a week before THE day! lol

This year we decided to have a small gathering at home, for a mad science party, making various potions and lava lamps. Seven kids, it was real fun! Plenty of giggling, laughter, excitement, questionning but also seriousness and concentration.

For the invitations, I used the template from this Living Locurto's website. Thanks, they are great!
We have changed the front slightly, as we wanted the invite to open and close at will (no stickers). My son also made the stickers for the names, I loved them! I forgot to take pictures of them, but the kids used them on their white blouse...and some of them have ended on their lava lamp, see picture.

I was not going to make any party bag, but then I gave up under the pressure of the birthday boy :-). I made a little personalised coloring book, a little sweet-shape box for some sweets, and added some lovely flower seeds. The party bag also contained the lava lamp kids made during the party and other experiments results...I closed the party bag with the same image as the one used for the invitations, secured with a stapler.

The whole experience was just great, for young and not so young! Yanis loved it so much that he is now asking me for more experiments...

(Excusez le manque d'accent!!! Probleme de clavier, et la memoire qui flanche..Merci...).

Cette année je me suis prise a l'avance pour preparer la fete d'anniversaire de mon fils, 6 ans. Ca change de l'année derniere: j'avais preparé une semaine avant! 

Le theme etait des experiences scientifiques...pour un petit groupe de 7 enfants. C'etait tres chouette, pleins de rires, excitation, emerveillement mais aussi sérieux et concentration.

Pour les invitations, j'ai utilisé des templates gratuites trouvées sur ce site, Living Locurto's website, merci!
Je ne pensais pas faire de "party bag" mais sous la pression de mon fils, j'ai du capituler :-). J'ai doc opté pour un sac en papier contenant un livret de coloriage fait maison et personalisé (images récapitulant tout ce qu'on a fait pendant la fete); des graines de tres jolies fleurs a planter et voir grandir; un petit packet fait maison en forme de bonbon contenant des..bonbons!; et enfin j'y ai aussi mis la lampe lava faite par chaque enfant pendant l'expérience scientifique....

Un success pour grands et petits!!! Et Yanis est a présent "mordu", il me redemande plus d'éxperiences chimiques...Je vais devoir m'y mettre :-).


Invitations - Inside

Finding out about primary colors


Testing different lotions (alkalin/acid)

Lava Lamp with name stickers made by Yanis

Party bag content

Party bag (top)

Birthday cake! (Bought and added the blue bits :-))

Thanks for looking. ----- Merci de votre visite.
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